Corvallis Sd 509j, OR 97333

School Food Authority (SFA) Profile for Corvallis Sd 509j, OR 97333

Farm to School Participation
in 2022-2023
Number of Schools
SFA Size
5,000–24,999 students
Poverty status
Tercile 1
Fewer than 35% of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals

Census Responses

How long has your SFA been conducting farm to school activities?

Schools participating in any farm to school activity in school year 2022-2023

13 (100%)

Which grades participated in farm to school activities in school year 2022-2023?

Evaluate the impact of farm to school activities

Which outcomes have resulted from your SFA’s participation in farm to school activities?

Schools providing food, nutrition, or agricultural education in school year 2022-2023

13 (100%)

Have any type of edible school garden

Schools with edible school gardens in school year 2022-2023

12 (92.3%)

How did schools use their edible school garden harvest in SY 2022-23?

Hold taste tests/cooking demonstrations of local or garden-grown foods in a school-related setting

Use cafeteria food coaches to promote the consumption of local foods

Implement strategies to encourage student selection and consumption of local foods

Conduct student field trips to farms, farmers’ markets, producers, and/or processors

Have farmers visit the cafeteria, classroom or other school-related setting

Use USDA Team Nutrition materials as part of taste testing or educational activities

Promote local foods at school (e.g., via cafeteria signs, posters, newsletters)

Promote local foods through themed or branded promotions

Celebrate National Farm to School Month (October)

Host farm to school related family and community events

Generate media coverage of local foods being used in schools



Fluid milk

Other dairy

Grains, including baked goods

Schools serving local food in school year 2022-2023

13 (100%)

Use local foods in the National School Lunch Program

Use local foods in the School Breakfast Program

Use local foods in Child and Adult Care Food Program At-Risk Afterschool

Use local foods in summer meals (i.e., Summer Food Service Program or Seamless Summer Option)

How does your SFA define 'local' for the majority of its school food procurement?

Which sources did your SFA procure local foods from in school year 2022-2023?

Which of the following approaches did your SFA use to procure local foods during the 2022-2023 school year?

Use the geographic preference option to purchase local foods

Work with local producers/processors to develop specific products

Forecast budgetary needs for local purchases



Fluid milk

Other dairy


Grains, including baked goods

Other product type

Top local item by spending in school year 2022-2023

Fluid Milk

Second local item


Third local item


Fourth local item


Total food spending in school year 2022-2023


Spending on local foods (including fluid milk) in school year 2022-2023


Spending on local fluid milk in school year 2022-2023


Spending on DoD Fresh in school year 2022-2023


Spending on local foods through DoD Fresh in school year 2022-2023


Which of the following policies were in place in your SFA in school year 2022-2023?

Which USDA Child Nutrition programs did your SFA participate in during school year 2022-2023?

Number of full time staff with a job dedicated to farm to school in school year 2022-2023


Number of full or part time staff who used some portion of their time for farm to school activities in school year 2022-2023


How did your SFA fund participation in farm to school activities in school year 2022-2023?

Provide training to school food service staff related to farm to school activities

How did your SFA handle food service for the NSLP in school year 2022-2023?

How did your SFA handle food preparation for the NSLP in school year 2022-2023?

What percent of the items your SFA served were made "from scratch" in school year 2022-2023?